Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Guest Bedroom Reveal!

Big moves this past week in the renovation for the guest bedroom!  This is the scary, Frankenstein photo of how it used to be. Yes, that's a DROPPED ceiling. If I turnnnn back timmmmeeee (yeah, I just quoted Cher), I would have a cometojesus with people who loved dropped ceilings and wood paneled walls. It is never ok.

Then we removed the wood paneled walls, dropped ceiling, light fixture, door frame and floors. Revealing THIS:

Even after these huge changes, we decided there wasn't enough light. We decided to replace the old door and window with a sliding glass door and feature window. Here's a close-up of the old door:

U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi
And here's a close-up of the new door:

The top horizontal section is actually a completely separate component but it looks like one piece. Good job designing, Yankee:

And here's the light filtering through during a beautiful sunset. Sigh, I'm in love!


  1. Banjo says that he approves this residence for his future inspection.

  2. Banjo is allowed any time he wants.
